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How to clean the inside of shoes and remove bad smells?


When preparing our outfit, we pay particular attention to external cleanliness and the proper presentation of our shoes. The interior, not visible, cannot however be set aside. How to clean the inside of your shoes and remove bad smells? How to clean the sole? All the answers in this article.

Even if your work is not physical and you are not a great sportswoman, your feet still remain in shoes for a few hours, sweating and dirtying the soles. That is why, for hygienic reasons, it is important to take care of it.

Cleaning the inside of the shoe

The insoles of shoes are the most exposed to dirt, especially in spring and summer when we wear them barefoot. Dust and dirt accumulated on the feet are easily transferred inside and leave traces. How to clean the soles of your shoes ? For those made of fabric, water and Marseille soap will easily remove the dirt .

Remove the soleplate, run it under hot water and wash it with dish soap mixed with a teaspoon of baking soda. If you can’t remove the soles of your fabric shoes, use a toothbrush to rub the mixture in and rub the sole with a cloth. Rinse with lukewarm water.

It’s a bit more difficult with leather soles , as they don’t like water. It is best to clean them with a slightly damp cloth. Never immerse them under water! If the leather soles are very dirty, the best solution is to replace them. Wear your choice on natural materials in which the feet sweat less. Those with activated carbon prevent the proliferation of bacteria and fungi in the shoes. Remember, however, to replace the soles as soon as the first signs of wear begin to appear.

How to remove bad smells from shoes?

During visits to your friends, do you tremble at the thought of taking off your shoes because of their bad odors? Don’t worry, eliminating them is easier than you think! The most effective way is to use shoe deodorants . They are designed to remove dirt, freshen up your shoes and keep them clean. They prevent the proliferation of bacteria, eliminate odors, are quick to use and produce an immediate effect.

Did you know that …

Can cat owners use their pets’ litter to remove bad odors from their shoes? Fill a sock with litter, tie it up and tuck it into the shoe. Leave on overnight.

What are the homemade ways to remove bad odors from shoes? As a first step, you can use baking soda , already mentioned. Just cover the sole and leave on overnight . In the morning, remove the powder and wipe the inside of the shoe with a dry cloth. A mixture of baking soda and zinc oxide will have better antibacterial properties. Mix the same quantity of powders and proceed as for baking soda alone.

Vinegar can also treat unpleasant odors in shoes. Mix it in equal parts with water and spray the resulting liquid inside the shoe (you can also rub it with a cotton pad). Let it dry for a few tens of minutes and it’s ready!

More natural ingredients can also be used as home remedies to remove bad odors from shoes. You can find it in your kitchen or fridge. Tea is one of them. Introduce several sachets into the shoes and leave to act for a few hours. They will successfully remove odors. You can replace the tea with citrus peelings. Their pleasant smells will solve the problem of smelly shoes. When taking care of your shoes, don’t forget to take care of their insides. So you can enjoy it for many years!

Warning !

Always check the effectiveness of these tips on your shoes. It may happen that the methods described in this content do not always work effectively, which can damage the shoes. We remind you that you use the solutions and advice described in the article at your own risk and that the text above cannot in any case serve as a basis for a complaint.


Washing shoes in the washing machine may invalidate the warranty. Always try to remember this before putting on your favorite pair of shoes.

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